Land and the climatic conditions of the state are suitable for propagation


Western Assam is very unique in its bio resources and is inhibited by different Tribes and Communities. The people of this region use various plant items including leaves and tender shoot, flowers of some species which are often seen to be consumed in different forms like fried, curry form or even eaten raw. Besides using edible items these flowers are also used sometimes as a medicine for curing various diseases. Some of these flowers are also seen to be sold in local markets of various parts of Western Assam including Guwahati city for their high demand. Most of these flowers also eaten all over North East India by different tribes. Western Assam is rich in floristic composition and diverged in its vegetation types. The land and the climatic conditions of the state are suitable for propagation, growth as well as survival of numerous plant species in the region9 . Being a part of the state of Assam the Assam Western region is also suitable for the growth and survival of various species. Due to its unique geographic location Western Assam is rich in floristic diversity and one of the largest reservoirs of wild edible plants. Wild food plants are important in many indigenous communities around the world14,16 . A large number of wild plants are used by various tribes of this region from time immemorial.The objective of the present study is to document the plant species used by various communities of Western Assam as an edible flower. In this paper an attempt has been made to document all the aspects regarding their scientific name, family, local name, habit, biological status, time of flowering, mode of preparation, medicinal properties and as well as market value. This work is very significant because documenting the indigenous knowledge through ethno-botanical studies are necessary for conservation of biological resources as well as their sustainable utilization.

Western Assam is the diversified region of several tribes and communities where these communities live in unity. Their daily life is most commonly influenced by the forests as well as agricultural activities where they are closely linked with the nature. Traditional health care practices are very common among the different tribes and communities of this region for human welfare. Assam is known for its rich flora and diverse forests and vegetation due to its unique topography, climate and altitude patterns 9 . Several wild edible plants and their various parts are eaten by the tribes ofthe study area. The tribal people of this region commonly use some of the wild flowers in their regular dish. They consume these edible flowers after boiling or frying, preparing curry or as raw. Various flowers, of course, are consumed following various processes which vary according to the floral species as well as the tribes and communities who use the items. Some of the flowers like flowers of Papaya (Carica papaya), Gumhar (Gmelina arboria), Ram basak (Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis) Pulutus (Dendrocnide sinuate) Malabar nut (Justicia adhatoda), Midnight horror (Oroxylum indicum), Night jasmine (Nyctanthus arbortristis) is eaten as curry with rice flour. Sometimes flowers are cooked applying the traditional alkali (locally known as kol Khar, kola Khar or simply Khar) which is prepared by burning the rhizome of banana and collecting his liquid extract after soaking the ash in water. Most of the cases of course the floral recipe are prepared along with small fish or with dry fish. This is a traditional dish which is very popular not only in the study area, but more or less in the whole parts of the state of Assam. Floral items used in such preparation are the species of Papaya (Carica papaya) Wild nongmangkha (Phlogacanthus Curviflorus), Kanakachu (Lasia spinosa) Arum (Alocasia acuminateare).

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David Johns
Journal Coordinator
American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics
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