Features of Orthodontic Treatment during Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, which is associated with the restructuring of the body, due to gestation. This period is a phase of active cultivation of a woman when she thinks about her appearance. Consequently, pregnancy often coincides with the phase of active orthodontic treatment in women of childbearing age, who make up a large percentage of the cohort of patients. From the above we can conclude pregnancy and orthodontic treatment often take place parallel to one another. How justified is the purpose of orthodontic treatment during pregnancy? This is important both for the patient and for the doctor to answer today. A pregnant woman during gestation should visit the dentist three times. Clean mouth is an important criterion for the health of women in general, and in particular the appointment of orthodontic treatment, as a necessary condition for it. During pregnancy maintaining itself becomes more challenging due to the changes occurring in a woman's body.

Changes in the immune system, and hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy have an impact on the development of infections in the mouth in pregnant women. Thus, it is proved that pregnant women with gum disease (gingivitis), increases the risk of premature birth and the likelihood of having a baby with low birth weight also increases. During pregnancy in the mouth may occur the so called "pregnancy granuloma" or the "tumor pregnant." This is a single growth on the gum, like a tumor, which can change the set of teeth and bleeding. The cause of education is often a lack of oral hygiene. Normally the build-up disappears after pregnancy, but in some cases it is removed surgically. Tooth mobility is another disease of the oral cavity, which can occur during pregnancy and is often associated with gum disease, namely periodontitis - a disease of tissues surrounding the root of the tooth. The researchers also report on the relationship of having periodontitis in pregnant women and the potential danger of early childbirth. Physiological xerostomia (dry mouth) is a common complaint during pregnancy. Often it appears with some drugs as a side effect, such as antidepressants, antihistamines and others [5]. Xerostomia can also occur during sleep.

With Regards,
Sara Giselle
Associate Managing Editor
Journal of Critical Care Obsestrics & Gynocology