Comparative Analysis of Encryption Techniques for Sharing Data in IoMT Devices


IoT healthcare devices are being used to share the real time personal data of patients to their doctors. Conventionally, centralized systems are used to store personal data and for encryption decryption, property server performed the duty. But those systems give rise to security and response time issues e.g. data breaching while moving the data between devices and server as there are IoT devices which send their data (blood pressure, heart beat rate etc.) as plain text to server and server have to perform encryption/decryption according to the need. Apart this, server have to response back the requests of different healthcare provider’s devices which may increase the response time. Therefore, security and response time are the main issues to be handled. There is a need of system that makes the secure transmission of sensitive healthcare data. We recommend some suggestions to improve those areas.Many healthcare providers are utilizing Internet of medical things applications to improve treatments, manage diseases, reduce errors, improve patient experience, manage drugs, and reduce the cost. According to market research (Big Data in Internet of Things (IoT): Key Trends, Opportunities and Market Forecasts 2015 – 2020 n.d), the healthcare IoT market segment is poised to reach $117 billion by 2020. P and S Market Research submitted a report according to which there will be a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.6% in the healthcare Internet of Things industry between the years 2015 and 2020 [2].They claim that this rise could be attributed to the upper hand of remote monitoring healthcare systems that can detect chronic life-threatening diseases. By this we can assume that IoT has taken the reins and people can enjoy personalized attention for their health requirements; they can tune their devices to remind them of their appointments, calorie count, exercise check, blood pressure variations and so much more. 

Internet of things first coined in 1999 and gained lot of publicity from any kind of business to government. It refers to the connectivity among different devices through a networkusing internet [5]. Internet of medical things is innovative concept in IoT having different applications like newer product development, real time data generation, treatment adherence monitoring, smarter decision taking applicability in the hands of healthcare provider, improved healthcare infrastructure and Customized product development and care. Keeping all these advantages in mind IOMT also have to face challenge of data integration and data management. Data security and privacy is a big concern here which is affecting the lives of many patients.

Quality patient care requires an important role of advance technologies of interconnected medical devices and sensors. This healthcare system is a combination of communication devices, interconnected applications, devices, sensors and people that would function together as one smart system to monitor, track, and store patients’ healthcare information for on-going care. Writer proposed a cloud based framework to securely transfer medical data from mobile devices and other sensors to provide access to medical professionals. Identity theft is protected using watermarking and signal enhancement. Concerned study is using watermarking before sending the data to cloud which is an old technique to secure the data. Further studies also proved that watermarking is not secure if the opponent refines his knowledge on the presumably secret key.state-of-art of lightweight cryptographic primitives which include lightweight block ciphers, hash function, stream ciphers, high performance system, and low resources device for IoT environment are discussed in details as IoT devices have to face different challenges in heterogeneous environment like power consumption of devices, limited battery, memory space, performance cost, and security in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) network .According to writer heterogeneity problem is due to the absence of common security service for all IoT devices. Unified IoT security standards should be applied to for providing common securely service. Resource constraints is also a hurdle for providing secure cryptographic algorithms for which scalability has to be considered which means one have to design lightweight algorithms to that might not affect the efficiency of IoT devices.

The proposed healthcare system starts when IoMT wearable devices starts storing the patient’s data. As said that proposed system is distributed nature so all the devices have their local databases to store their data. This is due to avoid from Denial of service attacks during data transmission which allows attackers to intercept data, and help them to obtain sensitive and valuable information about the patients. These Attackers also try to flood the healthcare system with traffic that is higher than the system capability which makes the healthcare system slow in responding to the user request and sometimes it lead to crash of the system and loss of the patients data.It is observed that 70% of IoT healthcare devices found to have serious security vulnerabilities, including using unencrypted network services and weak passwords so proposed system using So security layer implemented in proposed system to facilitate additional layers of encryption on device level that enforce the privacy of content embedded within transaction data. In order to enable data sharing across healthcare systems, we developed a purpose-built solution based on patient data privacy and security requirements that leverage a collection of strong encryption algorithms using distributed nature to enable healthcare based data secret sharing. Proposed system also suspends the Denial of Service attack as all IoT devices have their own local database to minimize load on server. Resource constraint issue of IoT devices also handled by providing authentication facility from neighbouring high computing power devices. 

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American Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology