A Rare Poisoning of Savlon in an Obstetric with Delirium Tremens: A Case Report


A 32 years old female with 35 weeks pregnancy, G2P1 A0, chronic alcoholic for the past 2 years (around 30 ml-60 ml/ day according to relatives) presented to emergency services three hours after alleged history of savlon poisoning with complaints of moderate to severe pain in abdomen, periumblical, non-radiating and associated with multiple episodes of vomiting, dyspnoea and altered sensorium. There was no history of haemetemesis or seizures. The patient had unintentionally ingested savlon at night time and vomited after 20 minutes of ingestion. The patient becomes restless and vomited four times in 20 minutes. After that the relatives brought her to emergency department of the hospital. The patient developed changes due to savlon ingestion causing aspiration and hypoxia. The patient had cardiac arrest in the emergency department and revived in 75 seconds. Rest of the management was done in ICU where patient initially extubated but next day due to alcohol withdrawal delirium tremens and pregnancy per se the patient was reintubated. The patient stayed in ICU for 16 days and then expired.

A 32 years old female with 35 weeks pregnancy, G2P1 A 0, chronic alcoholic for the past 2 years (around 30 ml-60 ml/day according to relatives) presented to emergency services three hours after alleged history of savlon poisoning (150 ml) with complaints of moderate to severe pain in abdomen, periumblical, non-radiating and associated with multiple episodes of vomiting, dyspnoea and altered sensorium. There was no history of hematemesis or seizures. The patient had unintentionally ingested savlon at night time and vomited after 20 minutes of ingestion. The patient becomes restless and vomited four times in 20 minutes. After that the relatives brought her to emergency department of the hospital.

With Regards,
Sara Giselle
Associate Managing Editor
Journal of Critical Care Obsestrics & Gynocology